Gustavo Oviedo, September 2024

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

These works exemplify Gustavo Oviedo’s artistic style with large-scale paintings of organic forms straight from the depths of the ocean’s cosmic consciousness. Hours of navigating South Florida’s waterways breathe a sense of calm among the colorful shapes that populate this series. Painted forms interact with ease. Lines are texture. A fluorescent pop explosion against a contrasting sea of tranquility released onto canvas. The calm and steadfastness of an explorer, both at sea and in the studio, distilled with a painter’s brush in exquisite colors, offers a cathartic release from city life for us all. These paintings vivid and alive invite us into Gustavo’s worldly visions and they remind us of how much wonder there is in the world if we choose to explore it."

- Alan Ket

Learn more about Gustavo at his website or follow him on Instagram at @1_3_1

To purchase artwork, contact the artist directly.

Noche de Arte 2024 at InterContinental Miami

collaboARTive presents a year of solo exhibitions with some of Miami’s most exciting and talented visual artists.


The nature is in human and there is human in the nature .

Blue Planet 3099 is foreseeing the year 3099, a time when land is swallowed by the sea due to global warming and increasing sea levels. The rising sea level remains a pressing issue in Florida. Climate change is accelerating the rise in sea levels. Every year, the sea rises another .13 inches (3.2 mm.) Research published in February 2022 shows that sea level rise is accelerating and is projected to rise by a foot by 2050. If we continue on our current path of polluting the sea and the environment, by the year 3099, land may be submerged under a blue ocean with radioactive substances floating on the surface.

Having practiced Chinese ink painting for over 20 years, Xena Felicia combines traditional abstract Chinese ink technique with futurism contemporary art. By blending acrylic and mineral pigment, Xena created a unique quality of blue. The vibrant lines create an optical illusion on a flat canvas. By manipulating colors, the flat surface appears to have a 3D depth. Observers may perceive more than just a flat surface; they may feel as though there is space between the color lines and the ink paintings, giving an impression of the landscape sinking into the water. Xena has developed a unique painting technique for which she has been granted a patent.

Xena draws inspiration from Picasso and Yves Klein, who created a special series of blue paintings, as well as from the unique natural elements of Miami, such as banyan trees and palm trees. Additionally, she incorporates divinatory knowledge and Eastern philosophy, including Taoism and the I Ching, into her paintings, which aim to alleviate our self-inflicted anxiety and agony. They are discussing the system of symbols to navigate the complicated world which provides us with a set of divination rituals to calm our minds.


October 2024: Mirta Gomez De Valle