Jacqueline Bermudez


Jacqueline Bermudez was born in 1979 in Orlando, FL. She was raised in Caracas, Venezuela, and has been living in Miami since 1991. As a child, she was always surrounded by art museums and the cultural world in Venezuela. Her passion for creating art started her senior year in High School. Life took many turns and went in a different direction while she raised a family. She got back to her art in 2016 out of curiosity, brought out her old oil paint tubes, and started painting portraits. She was very fortunate to have paintings accepted in three exhibits in 2020. She exhibited at the Woman Made Gallery in Chicago and the 81st Annual Crocker Kingsley Exhibit at the Blue Line Arts Gallery in California. Since then, she has been dreaming of becoming a full-time artist and continuing to expand her practice. She is a self-taught painter, primarily using oil but also enjoys watercolors and pencil. Her connection to her practice is very much spiritual and introspective. Her paintings often have bright colors, bold patterns, and the use of animals and plants as symbolism for her own personal growth.


My paintings have slowly been showing me a path back to myself. I have always been interested in the way the human mind works, the way we learn from our experiences, and how much we can grow as we become self-aware. I am inspired by bright colors and the emotion that rises inside of me when I am looking at a work of art I feel connected to. I am also inspired by the complexity of just being and the incredible opportunity of being on this earth to experience life. I use animals and plants to represent the dance between peace, freedom, and chaos. I also use poses and intensity in the eyes to bring in the attention of the viewer in the hopes they will connect to parts of themselves.